expenses turkey

In Turkey, as in many other countries, businesses must adhere to specific guidelines when it comes to claiming allowable expenses. Understanding and correctly categorizing these expenses is crucial for businesses to maintain accurate financial records, comply with tax regulations, and optimize their financial performance.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to allowable company expenses in Turkey, shedding light on what can be claimed and the potential benefits for businesses.

1. Overview of Allowable Company Expenses in Turkey

1.1 Definition of Allowable Company Expenses in Turkey

Allowable company expenses, also known as deductible expenses, are business costs that can be subtracted from a company’s total income to determine its taxable profit. These expenses are considered necessary for the operation of the business and are typically incurred in the normal course of conducting business activities.

1.2 Importance of Proper Expense Management

Accurately categorizing and managing allowable company expenses is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with Turkish tax laws, avoiding potential penalties and legal issues. Secondly, it enables businesses to claim all eligible deductions, thus reducing their taxable income and tax liability. Lastly, effective expense management provides a clear picture of the company’s financial health, helping in making informed decisions and optimizing financial performance.

2. Common Types of Allowable Company Expenses in Turkey

2.1 Employee Salaries and Benefits

Employee salaries, wages, and bonuses are generally allowable expenses for businesses in Turkey. Additionally, expenses related to employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and social security contributions can also be claimed.

2.2 Office Rent and Utilities

The cost of renting office space, utilities (electricity, water, and heating), and property tax payments are generally deductible expenses for businesses operating in Turkey.

2.3 Business Travel Expenses

Expenses incurred during business trips, including transportation (flights, trains, taxis), accommodation, meals, and other related costs, are usually allowable as long as they are directly related to business activities.

2.4 Marketing and Advertising

Businesses can claim expenses related to marketing and advertising campaigns, including costs associated with online ads, print media, promotional materials, and sponsorship activities.

2.5 Professional Fees and Services

Fees paid to professional advisors, such as accountants, lawyers, and consultants, are allowable expenses when the services are directly related to the business’s operations.

2.6 Depreciation of Assets

The depreciation of tangible assets, such as machinery, vehicles, and office equipment, is an allowable expense. Businesses can claim a portion of the asset’s cost over its useful life.

3. Restrictions on Allowable Expenses in Turkey

3.1 Personal Expenses

Expenses that are purely personal in nature, such as personal vacations, gifts to family and friends, or non-business-related entertainment costs, are not allowable as business expenses.

3.2 Excessive or Extravagant Expenses

While businesses can claim reasonable and necessary expenses, excessive or extravagant expenses may not be fully deductible. Turkish tax authorities may scrutinize such expenses to ensure they are genuinely business-related.

3.3 Non-Deductible Taxes

Taxes that are already accounted for in the company’s tax calculations, such as corporate income tax and value-added tax (VAT), are not allowable expenses.

4. Recordkeeping and Reporting

4.1 Importance of Accurate Records

Maintaining accurate records of all allowable company expenses is essential for proper tax reporting and compliance. Businesses should keep detailed receipts, invoices, and other relevant documents to support their expense claims.

4.2 Timely Reporting

Businesses in Turkey are required to submit regular tax returns, including details of their allowable expenses. Ensuring timely and accurate reporting is vital to avoid penalties and maintain a positive relationship with tax authorities.

5. Benefits and Conclusion

5.1 Tax Savings

One of the primary benefits of correctly identifying and claiming allowable company expenses is the potential tax savings. By reducing their taxable income, businesses can lower their tax liability, freeing up more funds for investment and growth.

5.2 Financial Visibility

Accurate expense management provides businesses with a clear view of their financial performance. This enables them to make informed decisions, identify areas for cost optimization, and plan for the future strategically.


Understanding allowable company expenses is crucial for businesses in Turkey to maintain financial health, comply with tax regulations, and optimize their operations. By properly categorizing and managing these expenses, companies can reap the benefits of tax savings and improved financial visibility, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and growth in the dynamic Turkish business landscape.



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