MPS Ltd® Corporate Network Privacy and Data Protection Overview

Welcome, and thank you for engaging with our Privacy and Security Statement. At MPS Ltd®, our network comprises multiple independent companies, each operating as a separate legal entity. These companies manage various segments of this website alongside other sites within the MPS Ltd® network. A distinct Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy is applicable to each member company within the network.

Our Commitment to Data Security and Privacy

MPS Ltd® prioritizes the security of your personal data across all its information systems. The safeguarding of your privacy and security is foundational to our relationship with you, our valued customer. MPS Ltd® deeply values your confidentiality and diligently safeguards it.

Our network includes numerous independent entities, each contributing to different sections of our member websites. To view our current and future member companies, please click here.

Please note that other firms within our network may also manage information you provide through this website. This collaboration enables us to maintain stringent control, inspection, and security of your data, with each entity bearing legal responsibility for the data it manages.

MPS Ltd® Privacy Statement

Our Privacy Statement extends to all data processed by MPS Ltd®, including personal data collected through our websites, applications, and online or offline channels.

Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) No. 6698 and other relevant laws, MPS Ltd® operates both as a data controller and a processor. Data processing is performed solely by authorized MPS Ltd® personnel or designated natural/legal persons, in line with our strict privacy and security guidelines.

Electronic Communications

By interacting with us and agreeing to receive electronic communications, you consent to receive emails and other communications from MPS Ltd® regarding new services, legislative updates, and more. You may opt-out of these communications at any time through the specified channels.

Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect data during your interaction with our websites. This data may include your IP address, device information, and browsing details.

Purpose of Data Use

We process your personal data to fulfill your requests, improve our services, and provide essential information. If you prefer not to have certain data collected, please refrain from submitting it. Note that this may impact our ability to contact you or provide certain services.

Data Security

We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data. However, the transmission of information over the internet is not inherently secure, and we advise caution when sharing information online.

Data Transfer

Your personal information may be transferred to other countries with differing data protection laws. Regardless of location, we commit to protecting your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Children’s Online Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 13 (or under 16 in the EU). If we learn that we have collected such information, we will take steps to inform the parents and remove the data as necessary.

Privacy by Design

MPS Ltd® integrates robust security and privacy measures in the development of new systems, ensuring that personal data handling aligns with its intended purpose.

For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us.