payroll turkey 2023

Payroll management is a crucial aspect of running a business in Turkey. As an employer, it is essential to understand the intricacies of payroll in Turkey to ensure compliance with the local regulations and maintain a smooth operation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects of payroll in Turkey, including legal requirements, taxation, social security contributions, and more.

Whether you are a business owner, HR professional, or an employee, this article will provide you with valuable insights into payroll management in Turkey.

Understanding Payroll Management in Turkey

What is Payroll?

Payroll refers to the process of calculating and distributing wages or salaries to employees. It involves various elements, such as calculating gross salary, deducting taxes and social security contributions, and providing net pay to employees. Payroll management also encompasses compliance with legal requirements, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring timely payments.

Legal Framework

To manage payroll effectively in Turkey, it is crucial to understand the legal framework surrounding payroll processes. Several laws and regulations govern payroll management in Turkey, including the Personal Data Protection Law, Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Code of Obligations, and more. Compliance with these laws is essential to avoid penalties and legal issues.

Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and GDPR Compliance

Under the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), employers in Turkey are required to handle employee data responsibly and ensure its security. Employers must obtain explicit consent from employees to process their personal data and take necessary measures to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure. Additionally, businesses operating in Turkey must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) if they process personal data of individuals in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Social Security Contributions

Employers in Turkey are obligated to make social security contributions on behalf of their employees. Social security contributions are calculated based on the employee’s gross salary and cover various benefits, such as healthcare, retirement, unemployment, and incapacity benefits. It is crucial for employers to accurately calculate and contribute to social security funds to fulfill their legal obligations and provide social security coverage to employees.


Taxation is a significant aspect of payroll in Turkey. Employers are responsible for deducting income tax from employee salaries based on the applicable tax rates. The income tax rates vary depending on the employee’s income level and marital status. Additionally, employers must also consider other taxes, such as value-added tax (VAT), corporate tax, and withholding tax, when calculating payroll.

Payroll Management in Turkey

Full HR Solutions

In addition to payroll management, Our company in Turkey opts for full HR solutions. These solutions provide end-to-end HR services, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, training, and payroll. Outsourcing HR functions to a reliable provider can alleviate the administrative burden on businesses and ensure compliance with local regulations.

payroll management turkey 2023

Advanced Incentive Management

Implementing a robust incentive management system can motivate employees and drive performance. Advanced incentive management solutions enable businesses to design and manage incentive programs, track progress, and calculate incentive payouts accurately. By aligning incentives with organizational goals, businesses can enhance employee engagement and achieve better results.

Online HR Systems

Online HR systems offer a convenient way to manage various HR processes, including payroll, employee data, leave management, and performance evaluations. These systems provide a centralized platform for HR professionals to access and manage employee information, generate reports, and track HR metrics. Online HR systems improve efficiency, reduce paperwork, and facilitate data-driven decision-making.

PEO – EOR – BPO Services

For businesses operating in Turkey without a legal entity, engaging a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), Employer of Record (EOR), or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) service can be a viable option. These services enable us to hire local employees, manage payroll and HR processes, and ensure compliance with local regulations, even without establishing a legal entity in Turkey.

Work Permit and Immigration

If you are an employer in Turkey looking to hire foreign nationals, it is essential to understand the work permit and immigration requirements. Employers must obtain work permits for foreign employees and comply with the immigration laws of Turkey. Working with immigration experts can simplify the process and ensure compliance with the necessary legal requirements.

Legislation Categories

Payroll management in Turkey involves compliance with various legislation categories. These categories include the Personal Data Protection Law, Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Code of Obligations, Labor Law, Foreign Exchange Legislation, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency, Immigration Law, and more. Understanding these legislation categories is vital for ensuring compliance and avoiding legal issues.

Bilateral Treaties

Turkey has bilateral agreements with several countries concerning social security and double taxation. These agreements aim to eliminate or minimize double taxation and ensure social security coverage for employees working abroad or foreign employees in Turkey. Employers must understand the provisions of these bilateral treaties to comply with the applicable regulations.

Managing payroll in Turkey involves navigating through a complex legal framework, complying with various regulations, and ensuring accurate and timely payments to employees. By understanding the key aspects of payroll management, such as social security contributions, taxation, and legal requirements, businesses can streamline their payroll processes and maintain compliance. Implementing payroll software, outsourcing HR functions, and leveraging online HR systems can further enhance efficiency and accuracy. As an employer in Turkey, prioritizing payroll management will not only ensure legal compliance but also contribute to a positive work environment and employee satisfaction.

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