cooperative turkey

Cooperative has long been recognized as instrumental drivers of economic development, social cohesion, and sustainable growth across the world. In Turkey, the cooperative movement has a rich history, deeply rooted in the country’s cultural and socio-economic fabric. Over the years, Turkish cooperatives have played a vital role in empowering local communities, fostering inclusive development, and promoting resilience in the face of economic challenges.

This article delves into the evolution, significance, and impact of cooperative movement in Turkey, shedding light on its contributions to various sectors and its role in building a more equitable and sustainable society.

Historical Context and Evolution

The cooperative movement in Turkey can be traced back to the late Ottoman Empire, where early forms of cooperatives, known as “Esham” and “Küme,” emerged in response to the socio-economic needs of the time. However, it wasn’t until the early years of the Turkish Republic that a more organized approach to cooperative development was pursued. The establishment of the Agricultural Cooperatives Law in 1934 marked a significant milestone, setting the stage for the modern cooperative movement in Turkey. This law aimed to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by encouraging agricultural cooperatives and providing them with legal recognition and support.

In subsequent decades, cooperatives diversified into various sectors, including agriculture, finance, production, and consumer goods. The cooperative movement gained momentum, particularly during periods of economic expansion and development, as well as during times of economic instability when communities sought alternative ways to ensure their well-being.

Agricultural Cooperatives: Empowering Farmers and Enhancing Food Security

Agriculture is a cornerstone of the Turkish economy, and agricultural cooperatives have played a pivotal role in enhancing the productivity, income, and social welfare of rural communities. These cooperatives facilitate collective action among farmers, enabling them to pool resources, share knowledge, access markets, and negotiate better terms with suppliers and buyers. By reducing input costs and increasing bargaining power, agricultural cooperatives contribute to the sustainability of small-scale farmers and enhance food security.

One notable example is the success of dairy cooperatives in Turkey. These cooperatives have not only helped dairy farmers improve milk production but also added value through processing and distribution, creating a more integrated and resilient supply chain. Such initiatives promote economic self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on external actors, ultimately contributing to a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Consumer Cooperatives: Enhancing Access and Affordability

Consumer cooperatives have also made substantial contributions to the Turkish society, particularly by offering essential goods and services at affordable prices. These cooperatives are often established by local communities to address the challenges of accessing quality products and services in remote areas. By leveraging collective purchasing power, consumer cooperatives negotiate better prices with suppliers, ensuring that basic needs are met without burdening households with excessive costs.

The cooperative movement has particularly been impactful in the housing sector, where housing cooperatives have emerged as a viable solution to address the housing needs of lower-income groups. These cooperatives enable members to collectively finance and manage housing projects, fostering a sense of ownership and community while providing affordable housing options.

Socio-Economic Benefits and Resilience

One of the key strengths of the cooperative movement in Turkey lies in its ability to foster social cohesion, inclusivity, and economic resilience. Cooperatives promote a sense of belonging and ownership among members, encouraging active participation and democratic decision-making. By engaging local communities in the management and governance of cooperatives, a sense of collective responsibility is cultivated, leading to more sustainable development outcomes.

Furthermore, cooperatives act as buffers against economic shocks, helping communities withstand economic downturns and external pressures. During times of crisis, such as the global financial crisis of 2008 or the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperatives provided a safety net for their members by ensuring continued access to essential goods and services, preserving jobs, and supporting local economies.

Environmental Sustainability and Innovation

In recent years, Turkish cooperatives have also embraced the principles of environmental sustainability and innovation. Agricultural cooperatives have adopted modern farming techniques and sustainable practices, contributing to better land use, reduced resource depletion, and improved environmental conservation. Cooperatives in renewable energy and waste management sectors have emerged, demonstrating the potential of cooperative models in addressing pressing environmental challenges.


The cooperative movement in Turkey is a testament to the enduring power of collective action and community engagement in shaping a more equitable and sustainable society. From empowering farmers and enhancing food security to providing affordable housing and promoting environmental sustainability, Turkish cooperatives have left an indelible mark on various sectors of the economy. As the country continues to navigate complex economic, social, and environmental challenges, the cooperative movement stands as a beacon of hope, offering a model of resilience, inclusivity, and innovation that can pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.



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