turkish fiscal calendar

Every country has its own fiscal calendar, which plays a crucial role in the financial management of governments, businesses, and individuals. In Turkey, the fiscal calendar differs from the calendar year that most people are familiar with. Understanding the Turkish fiscal calendar is essential for anyone doing business or managing finances in the country.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the Turkish fiscal calendar, its importance, and how it affects various aspects of financial planning and reporting.

The Turkish Fiscal Calendar: An Overview

In Turkey, the fiscal calendar operates on a unique system that may seem unfamiliar to those accustomed to the more common Gregorian calendar. The Turkish fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st, like the international calendar. However, the months and weeks within the fiscal year are divided differently.

Fiscal Months

This calendar is divided into 12 months, just like the Gregorian calendar. However, the names and lengths of these months differ. The fiscal months in Turkey are as follows:

January (Ocak)

February (Şubat)

March (Mart)

April (Nisan)

Mayıs (May)

June (Haziran)

July (Temmuz)

August (Ağustos)

September (Eylül)

October (Ekim)

November (Kasım)

December (Aralık)

Fiscal Weeks

The fiscal calendar divides each month into four weeks of seven days each. This results in a total of 364 days in the fiscal year, with the remaining day considered a non-working day. While this system may seem unusual, it has its advantages, especially for businesses and the government in terms of financial planning and reporting.

Importance of the  Fiscal Calendar

For businesses operating in Turkey, adhering to the Turkish fiscal calendar is crucial for financial planning and reporting. This system helps companies align their financial statements, budgeting, and taxation with the country’s fiscal year. It also allows for smoother and more accurate financial management throughout the year.

Taxes are a significant aspect of financial planning for businesses and individuals alike. In Turkey, tax obligations, including income tax, corporate tax, and value-added tax (VAT), are calculated and reported based on the fiscal calendar. This means that understanding the fiscal year structure is essential to ensure compliance with tax regulations and deadlines.

Both government agencies and private organizations rely on the Turkish fiscal calendar for budgeting purposes. It enables them to allocate resources, plan expenditures, and assess financial performance in a way that aligns with the country’s fiscal cycle.

Financial statements, such as annual reports, balance sheets, and income statements, must adhere to the Turkish fiscal calendar. This standardization ensures consistency and comparability in financial reporting, making it easier for investors, creditors, and other stakeholders to assess a company’s financial health.

On a macroeconomic level, the Turkish fiscal calendar plays a vital role in the country’s economic planning and policymaking. It helps the government track and manage its revenue and expenditure, contributing to the overall stability of the Turkish economy.

Challenges of the Turkish Fiscal Calendar

While this calendar offers several benefits, it also poses some challenges:

  1. Non-standard Months: The non-standard month lengths can be confusing for individuals and businesses not accustomed to the system. This can complicate financial planning and reporting, especially when dealing with international counterparts who use the Gregorian calendar.

  2. Leap Year Adjustments: In the Turkish fiscal calendar, leap years are handled differently than in the Gregorian calendar. To maintain the 364-day structure, an extra day is added to February (Şubat) every five or six years. This adjustment can lead to further confusion for those not familiar with the system.

  3. International Compatibility: When conducting international business, Turkish entities must often convert financial data to the Gregorian calendar to align with global standards. This conversion can introduce potential errors and inconsistencies in financial reporting.


Understanding the Turkish fiscal calendar is essential for anyone doing business or managing finances in Turkey. It plays a fundamental role in financial planning, taxation, budgeting, and reporting. While the unique system may present challenges, it also offers advantages, such as aligning financial operations with the country’s fiscal cycle.

Businesses operating in Turkey must adapt to this calendar to ensure compliance with tax regulations and facilitate financial management. Individuals, too, should be aware of the fiscal calendar’s impact on their personal finances, including income tax and other financial obligations.

In a globalized world where international financial transactions are commonplace, being familiar with the Turkish fiscal calendar’s intricacies can help bridge the gap between local and global financial practices. Ultimately, understanding and effectively utilizing this calendar can contribute to more efficient financial management and a stronger Turkish economy.



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