company turkey

Turkey, a country straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, boasts a rich historical legacy and a vibrant modern economy. With a strategic geographical location and a population of over 80 million, Turkey offers a diverse array of business opportunities. From traditional family-owned enterprises to cutting-edge technology startups, the Turkish business landscape is characterized by a broad spectrum of company types in Turkey that contribute to the nation’s economic growth.


This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various types of company found in Turkey, shedding light on their structures, characteristics, and contributions to the nation’s economic development.



Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorships are the most straightforward and common type of business structure in Turkey. This type of company is owned and operated by a single individual, who retains full control and is solely responsible for all aspects of the business in Turkey. While it requires minimal formalities to establish, sole proprietorships carry the risk of unlimited personal liability, meaning the owner’s personal assets are not protected in the event of business debts or liabilities. This type of company is often favored by small businesses, freelancers, and self-employed professionals.




Partnerships are formed when two or more individuals or entities come together to jointly own and operate a business. There are two main types of partnerships in Turkey:

a) General Partnership: In a general partnership, all partners share equal responsibility for the business’s liabilities and debts. This structure allows for a more equitable distribution of profits and losses among partners.

b) Limited Partnership: A limited partnership comprises both general and limited partners. General partners have unlimited liability, similar to a general partnership, while limited partners’ liability is restricted to their invested capital. This arrangement provides investors with a level of protection and allows them to participate in the company’s profits without being involved in its management.



Limited Liability Company in Turkey (LLC)

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) is one of the most prevalent and popular types of companies in Turkey. LLCs combine the advantages of a corporation and a partnership, offering limited liability protection to shareholders while maintaining a flexible and straightforward management structure. Shareholders’ liability is limited to the amount of their investment, protecting their personal assets from business-related debts and obligations. This type of company is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses.



Joint-Stock Company in Turkey (JSC)

Joint-Stock Companies (JSCs) are more suitable for larger businesses that seek substantial capital investment from multiple shareholders. JSCs are publicly traded on the stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell shares, which enhances liquidity and facilitates expansion opportunities. Shareholders’ liability is limited to their investment, making it an attractive option for risk-averse investors. JSCs are governed by stricter regulations and require more complex administrative procedures.




Cooperatives are formed by a group of individuals or entities who join forces to achieve common economic, social, or cultural objectives. This type of company prioritizes equitable distribution of profits among its members and operates based on the principles of democratic decision-making in Turkey. Cooperatives can be classified into various categories, including agricultural, consumer, and worker cooperatives, each catering to specific needs and interests of their members.



Branch Office

Foreign companies interested in establishing a presence in Turkey often opt for opening a branch office. A branch office operates as an extension of its parent company, carrying out the same activities and services. However, the parent company retains full legal liability for the branch’s operations and activities.



Joint Venture

Joint ventures are formed when two or more companies collaborate to pursue a specific project or business opportunity. Each party brings its expertise, resources, and technology to the partnership, sharing risks and rewards. Joint ventures are commonly employed in industries such as construction, infrastructure development, and international trade.



Holding Company in Turkey

Holding companies primarily exist to own and control a significant portion of shares or assets of other companies. They play a critical role in diversifying investments, managing risk, and facilitating strategic decision-making across their subsidiaries. Holding companies can be public or private and are subject to specific regulations to ensure transparency and accountability.




Turkey’s diverse and dynamic business landscape is a testament to its robust economy and entrepreneurial spirit. The wide range of company types in Turkey available in the country caters to the needs of different industries and investors, fostering growth, innovation, and competitiveness. Whether it’s a family-owned sole proprietorship, a high-tech startup, or a publicly traded joint-stock company, each business type contributes to Turkey’s economic development and plays a crucial role in shaping its future as a prominent player in the global market. As Turkey continues to evolve, its business environment is likely to attract more domestic and foreign investment, further enriching its entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Are you looking to open a company in Turkey ? Please contact our team based in Istanbul.



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