accounting turkey

Accounting is a fundamental aspect of any business, providing the foundation for financial management, compliance, and decision-making. In Turkey, accounting plays a crucial role in facilitating the country’s diverse and growing economy.

This article will delve into the key aspects of accounting in Turkey, including its practices, regulations, and the business landscape.

Accounting Principles and Practices in Turkey

Turkish accounting follows the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are largely harmonized with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Turkish companies are required to prepare their financial statements in accordance with these standards, ensuring transparency and consistency in financial reporting.

Turkish accounting practices are generally similar to those in other countries, with businesses maintaining a system of double-entry bookkeeping to record financial transactions. Entities are required to keep financial records and supporting documentation for a minimum of 10 years, according to Turkish Commercial Code.

Accounting Taxation and Reporting in Turkey

Turkey’s tax system is complex and comprises several types of taxes, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), corporate tax, and withholding tax. Understanding and complying with tax regulations is critical for businesses operating in Turkey.

The Turkish fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st. Companies are required to submit monthly VAT declarations and quarterly corporate tax returns. Additionally, annual income tax returns and financial statements must be submitted by the end of the following year.

Accounting Software and Technology in Turkey

Advancements in technology have transformed accounting practices in Turkey, as in the rest of the world. Businesses are increasingly adopting accounting software to streamline financial operations, improve accuracy, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Numerous accounting software options are available, with popular choices including local and international platforms tailored to meet Turkish reporting requirements. Implementing such software not only enhances efficiency but also reduces the risk of human errors in financial data management.

Auditing and Assurance

Auditing is a crucial part of the accounting process in Turkey, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial statements. Independent auditors, licensed by the Public Oversight, Accounting, and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK), are responsible for conducting audits.

The KGK, established in 2011, oversees the accounting and auditing profession in Turkey, promoting transparency and integrity in financial reporting. Auditors are required to follow International Standards on Auditing (ISA) when conducting their work.

Reporting and Disclosure Requirements

Transparency is essential in the Turkish business environment, and companies are required to disclose relevant financial information to stakeholders. Publicly traded companies must comply with additional disclosure requirements imposed by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB).

Annual financial statements, management reports, and auditor’s reports must be published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette. These reports are also made available on the company’s website, allowing investors and the public to access crucial financial information.

Challenges and Opportunities

While accounting in Turkey generally adheres to international standards, there are some challenges that businesses may face:

a. Complex Tax System: Turkey’s tax laws can be intricate, requiring businesses to stay up-to-date with changes and ensure accurate reporting.

b. Currency Fluctuations: The volatility of the Turkish lira can impact financial statements, necessitating careful consideration of exchange rate fluctuations.

c. Compliance Costs: Complying with regulations and hiring auditors can be costly, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

On the other hand, Turkey offers several opportunities for accounting professionals and businesses:

a. Growing Economy: Turkey’s economy presents opportunities for businesses to expand and prosper, increasing the demand for accounting expertise.

b. Booming Startup Ecosystem: Istanbul, in particular, has become a hub for startups, creating a need for specialized accounting services.

c. Foreign Investment: Turkey’s strategic location and favorable investment climate attract foreign businesses, leading to increased demand for accounting services that cater to international reporting standards.


Accounting in Turkey plays a critical role in facilitating financial management, compliance, and decision-making for businesses of all sizes. Following the GAAP and IFRS principles, Turkish accounting practices align with international standards. Adhering to complex tax regulations and disclosure requirements, businesses must prioritize transparency and accurate financial reporting. With the advancement of technology and opportunities in a growing economy, accounting professionals in Turkey can navigate challenges and seize opportunities to contribute to the country’s dynamic business landscape.



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