vat rate turkey

On July 7, 2023, the Turkish President issued an official decision regarding VAT rate in Turkey, numbered 7346, which has been published in the Official Gazette.

This decision brings significant changes to the Value Added Tax (VAT) rates in the country. The general VAT rate has been increased from 18% to 20% in Turkey, while the reduced VAT rate has been raised from 8% to 10%. In this article, we will explore the details of these changes, including the specific items affected and the implications for businesses and consumers. The new rates will take effect on July 10, 2023.

Changes in VAT rate in Turkey

The decision entails adjustments to the VAT rates applied to goods and services. The previous 18% VAT rate will now be set at 20%, affecting a wide range of products and services. Similarly, the previous 8% VAT rate has been raised to 10%. These changes have implications for both businesses and consumers, as they will impact the prices of various goods and services across the country.

Effects on Goods and Services

One notable change brought by the decision is the modification of the annex (II) list, specifically the 37th item. Previously, this item included products subject to the 8% VAT rate in Turkey, such as soap, shampoo, detergent, disinfectant, wet wipes (regardless of their soaking medium), toilet paper, paper towels, paper tissues, and napkins. However, these products have been removed from the list, resulting in them being subject to the general VAT rate of 20% in Turkey.

Conversely, certain items, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss, will retain their position in the 37th item of the list. Consequently, the VAT rate applied to these products has been increased from 8% to 10%. It is essential for businesses and consumers alike to take note of these changes to ensure compliance with the new VAT rates and adjust their pricing accordingly.

Implications for Businesses

For businesses operating in Turkey, it is crucial to adapt to the new VAT rates and make the necessary adjustments to their pricing strategies. This involves revising price lists, updating point-of-sale systems, and communicating the changes to customers. Additionally, businesses must ensure accurate VAT calculations and proper invoicing to comply with the revised rates and avoid any potential penalties or legal issues.

Furthermore, businesses need to stay updated on any additional amendments or clarifications related to the new VAT rates. Regularly checking official sources, such as the Official Gazette or relevant government websites, will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding VAT regulations.

VAT rate Impact on Consumers in Turkey

The changes in VAT rates in Turkey will directly affect consumers, as they will encounter price adjustments in various goods and services. It is important for consumers to be aware of the new rates to make informed purchasing decisions and anticipate potential price increases. Additionally, consumers should ensure that they receive proper invoices reflecting the revised VAT rates for their purchases.

Government Revenue and Economic Impact

The adjustment of VAT rates is often a measure taken by governments to increase tax revenue and address budgetary considerations. The increase in VAT rates from 18% to 20% and 8% to 10% aims to boost government income by collecting higher taxes on a broader range of goods and services.

While this adjustment may lead to short-term price increases for consumers, it is essential to assess its potential impact on the overall economy. Higher VAT rates can influence consumer spending patterns and businesses’ profitability, affecting economic growth and investment decisions. Monitoring the economic effects of the revised VAT rates will be crucial for policymakers and economists in evaluating the decision’s long-term implications.


Turkey’s official decision, numbered 7346, brings significant changes to the VAT rates in the country. The general VAT rate in Turkey has increased from 18% to 20%, while the reduced VAT rate has risen from 8% to 10%. These changes affect a wide range of goods and services and require businesses and consumers to adapt their pricing strategies and purchasing decisions accordingly. Staying informed about the revised VAT rates and complying with the new regulations will be essential for both businesses and consumers. As the new rates take effect on July 10, 2023, it is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and accurate implementation of the revised VAT rates in the Turkish market.



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